Dozens of Love
- This item will be shipped from Malaysia
- This item can be shipped to all major cities in Malaysia nationwide. Please refer to Description tab for the Availability delivery area.
- We will refund if the delivery area is not within our coverage areas after payment is paid.
- We do Sunday delivery if order is made 3 days in advance.
Dozens of Love
A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.
~ by The Wizard
Description: Show your love with this enchanting bouquet of 24 stalks of Mixed Roses (White & Pink) in a special design with elegant wrappers.
Delivery is ONLY available to the area with postcode below:
Same day delivery:
1. 43000 - 43490
2. 46000 - 47890
3. 48400 - 48890
4. 50000 - 61900
5. 68000 - 68990
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